Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes




Krupp 7
It's kinda feeling like a heavy barrage...
Well, just because I want to try keeping up with the releases this year instead of the somewhat sporadic releases that I managed to achieve last year when we launched I’ve decided...
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Camión Blindado Echevarria Type 02
Some new tiznaos to sweeten the palette
Of all the ‘Smudges’ that were rolled out of the manufacturing facilities in Spain during the civil war the Echevarria models hold a special place in my heart. They were...
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Rheinmetall 8
Go Big or Go Home, Right?
Well, we started well, with a nice little release of artillery and I thought we should continue in the same vein although with a healthy slice of Go Big or Go Home! Right? This weeks...
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De Bang Battery
Let's get this party started then shall we?
So here we are, 2025! I feel like we completely bypassed the last third of 2024 as I was swamped with printing armies and was barely able to get anywhere near new miniatures for the...
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New Flight Test Images
Signs of life...
Been a bit quiet lately but make no.mistake we have been ridiculously busy. The Spanish Civil War range has slowed down slightly although we do have a large number of new models to...
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Battle of the Java Sea 1942
The Netherlands 1940 & the Dutch East-Indies 1941-42
. Well… two blog posts and two announcements in one week. Feels like we’re on a roll! So here we are. We have finally reached the point that our Dutch range is wide enough that it is...
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Online Store

Here at Bayonets & Brushes we are first and foremost wargamers!

Our passion for the weird and wonderful has pushed us into the position where we have had to source many of these things for ourselves… and being the decent chaps that we are, that means we believe that they should be available for all of you as well.

You wont find expensive artwork and packaging here. We like to concentrate our efforts on high quality and detailed miniatures at a cost that is accessible to all.

Here you will find the online store part of our website where you can browse and choose what you would like to bring some idiosyncrasy to your gaming tables.


Wargaming should be a community thing and we are always happy to discuss projects and experience with our friends in the wider community.

Whether its about games or miniatures, land, air or sea… If you want to talk to us about anything then please do feel free to reach out and open a dialogue…