Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

100 blog posts!!! What are you going to get out of this?

Well, this is the big 1-0-0! 

100 blog posts.

… ok well actually this is going to be a REALLY short Blog Post 😀

To give myself a reason to pat myself on the back for reaching this milestone I thought I would offer my services to the community.

So, I’ve decided to do this:

In one week after this post goes live (so the 30th October) I’m going to put the names of every one of my ‘followers’ (that’s those who have chosen to follow my posts) into a hat and I’m going to draw a random name.

I am then going to offer that person my services to paint one unit of any scale. 

It may be a regiment of Napoleonic Infantry, it may be a Chaos warband, it doesn’t matter to me what it is. You will send me the figures and I will paint, package and send them right back. 

The only caveat that I will make is that the troops must have a uniform look and not be a collection of individual pieces of art such as Games Workshop Grail Knights that all have their own costume designs completed by the V&A Museum staff!

I really felt that I wanted to give something back a bit because I really appreciate the experience that I have had through this blog and the social media communities that it has helped me be a part of. 

When I started this back in 2015 I thought that it just may be nice to have somewhere to record all of my colour schemes that I was using in my various armies but for me its become a lot more than that.

Over time I have made friends (albeit social media only) through my blog and it has helped put me in touch with a lot of people I thoroughly enjoy talking to who I otherwise would not have had the chance to talk to at all.

Ive met some great people like Johnnie and Kevin from the Flames of War Painting Group and Mark from House of Hengist and Achtung Panzer, Ljevid from Dropzone Commander and a lot more besides.

Now I think I probably get a lot more value from all of you than you probably get from me so I think I should in some way try to thank you all for being a part of this journey that I’ve been on.

Long story short: Follow my blog and in a weeks time you will be put into a ‘prize draw’ to take a little painting weight off of your shoulders… if you think you would like to of course. If you don’t want to make use of my services I will certainly not hold it against you 😀

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