So, whilst I was modelling (and bleeding) my through the Black Brigade for Flames of War there were inevitably a few extra little pieces that slipped through the net with them which I charted the sculpting and making of in previous blogs but then I realised that nobody will have seen the finished articles… and thats because these vehicles were not actually fielded with the Brigade in September ’39…
I am of course talking about the C7P Recovery Tractor and the TKD self propelled guns that the Warsaw Armoured Motorised Brigade took into battle with them.
Anyway these three little pieces are all done and dusted now as well so I thought I would just post some quick shots of them so you guys can have a peruse:
The C7P Recovery Tractor
So a quick word about this one. Other than the track sections which came off of an existing 7TP tank absolutely everything else on this was sculpted by yours truly.
I had to do the roof a couple of times in order to get the right angles on it but ultimately I got it.
I had the same problems casting this up as I did with everything else. There were pinholes all over it but painting over them with Vallejo’s Plastic Putty diluted with nail varnish remover removed all of them… and yes I do mean ALL of them! 😀
The larger holes all appeared on the wheels and track sections which is why the weathering and mud is heavier than expected here. It enables me to disguise any errors that were there
BUT there we have it: my brand spanking new C7P

The TKD Self Propelled Guns
The second little show piece in this post is of course my two TKD’s.
Other than the track sections which were cast copies of Battlefronts TKS’ track sections and the guns absolutely everything else on these has been sculpted by yours truly, both inside the vehicle and out.
These were a little more complex than the average so were a royal pain in the ass to get done… but get them done I eventually did…
The crew were provided by Skytrex German Vehicle Crews with the obligatory Peter Pig head swaps…
I don’t know about you guys but I’m quite pleased with the results.

So there we have it. A nice short post with some funky photos of some spunky vehicles!
Comments welcome as always guys