Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

New Study Materials… excitement!

Just a very brief blog post this time.

I dont know where it came from but for as long as I can remember (although with age that is rapidly shortening!) I have had a hard on for Poland ’39

I collected and read everything I could that was written in the English language… but lets be honest the sources and more especially the details are a bit thin on the ground where the English language is concerned.

… so I taught myself how to translate Polish… and wow what a world that opened up for me!

So obviously those of you who are regular readers will know that Ive done a lot of translation work relating to the Black Brigade and the National Defence…

but there are other organisations that are just tooooooooo fascinating to be ignored and I just received my latest book order from my mother in law in Poland (see image)

So what is all of this loveliness then?

Well just like I’ve completed a FoW document on the Obrona Narodowa for you hallowed gamers out there, next year I hope to do one of the last pillar of the Polish military triumvirate; the Korpus Ochrany Pogranicza (KOP) a.k.a The Border Protection Corps. I’ve now accrued about 8 books on these guys and only have a cavalry book to source for me to start work.

I’m also really interested in the Policja Panstwowe. These are essentially a state sponsored pseudo militaristic police force that even the majority of Poles have forgotten that these guys were fighting the length and breadth of Poland in ’39. I now have a couple of books and half a dozen documents on their arms and organisations. Should provide something to work with.

Finally one area that I am really REALLY interested is the Polish river fleets. They didn’t really play much of a part in ’39 BUT the potential is fantastic and the modelling opportunities are out of this world. I just received the last issue of the Lexicon that I didn’t have covering the Flotilla’s. Add this to all of the other books and documents I have about this its going to provide the foundation for another document about that!

I see interesting times ahead!

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