Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes



Bayonets & Brushes started as a passion!

A passion for modelling the weird and wonderful, a passion for the unheard of, undiscovered and unexplored conflicts… the forgotten and overlooked parts of military history.

We live in a time where all of the established companies are falling over themselves to streamline their costs… and that means removing almost anything interesting and niche from their offerings.

It’s amazing just how much of the weird and wonderful found its way into all different manner of diverse conflicts around the globe.

… and that’s where we found our niche.

The road less travelled


Here at Bayonets & Brushes you wont find any Tigers or Panthers, Shermans or Cromwells… but if you want a Vickers E in Bolivian service or a Spanish Nationalist Ferrol pattern armoured truck then we may be your ‘go to’!

We have a stable of highly skilled artists that produce our models for us BUT we also run a print service as well. If we haven’t got something you want, just hand us a file and we’ll see it printed for you.

Good value and a friendly service.

Take a look around.

We hope you like what you see…

On the Workbench

If you are interested to see what it is we are currently working on then this is where you will see it.

If you are hoping that something unusual will be done then please feel free to reach out and email us. If its something that falls within the conflicts that we are covering there is a good chance we can get it moved up the ladder for you…

So… the projects currently being done are as follows:

Tiznao Rio Tinto Type 01

Tiznao Echevarria (3 Known Versions)

River Gunboat Cabo Fradera

Rheinmetall 8.8cm Flak 18 & Flak 36

SD.Kfz 7, 11, Breda 61 & Hansa Lloyd Halftrack variants

Canon de Campana 15cm Mod.1916

Vickers 105/22 Mod.1922

leFh18 10cm Howitzer

sFh18 15cm Howitzer