3D Print Services
The Wheres, Whys and Hows
Whilst our personal interests within Bayonets & Brushes are predominantly quite fringe we are not blind to the fact that the majority of the community has far more widespread interests.
When you also consider the democratisation of the wargaming world with the plethora of widely available 3D files that cater for every common interest in the wargaming world we are happy to extend our print facilities to help the wargaming community by offering a print on demand service.
We are obviously not set up for large commercial repeat print business but small scale interests and needs is well within our capabilities.
All you need to do is:
- Send us a message outlining what it is you want.
- If we agree that it’s within our capabilities, provide a print ready .stl with appropriate supports and we will work up a print run for your models
- We will provide you with a quotation.
- If its within your expectations you can settle the invoice
- We will then go ahead and print, check quality and get your models out the door to you as soon as possible.
You can’t say fairer than that can you?