Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

Legal Policy

Legal Policy

Copyright © 2024 Bayonets & Brushes.
For everything concerning the illustrations, potential credit issues with photographs, or else, you can contact the website through the contact page.

This website is managed and maintained by Lee Robertson, webmaster. To contact the Webmaster personally please use the following


This website is intended for business purposes, with the limitations mentioned herein. All products contained herein are unique to this website and therefore copyrighted. Information and images are gathered and compiled from various free sources, which could contain some inaccuracies. Externally sourced contributions which are erroneously employed remains under the responsibility of the source website.


Information sent through the contact form are not stored in any database, and therefore will never be communicated to any third parties. You can ask at any time for us to check that your address is not present in our emails or else for it to be removed from our local Mail server.

Concerning Google Analytics

Cookies tracking approval is mandatory. You can see additional information below and on the Cookie Policy page

Copyright Issues

Using the illustrations for various purposes is allowed through approval on some conditions. Please contact us in any case. Non-watermarked graphics are presumably free to use (under open source or GNU licence) and could be shared and displayed for educational and private purposes under the conditions mentioned in their respective licence. Many images are sourced from free wallpaper sites and are thus employed with no commercial interest.

Content Photographs are presumably from wikipedia commons by default, and if not, properly credited if the author is known and permissions asked for.

Re-use of this website’s model images for commercial purposes and/or in third party media without authorisation is strictly prohibited. The use of these in a private, non-commercial, fair used is authorised but credit should be correctly attributed.


If there are any questions arising concerning the origin of images used please contact the webmaster at the address given above.

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