Well, it has been fifty… yes FIFTY months since my last blog post. That was before life, as they say, most definitively got in the way!
But we are back and we are back with whistles and bells on.
So this is going to be a short blog post to actually re-introduce ourselves to you. We have had an apotheosis and evolved from our Blogspot site as Brushes & Bayonets, becoming Bayonets & Brushes on WordPress. You can find us at www.bayonetsandbrushes.co.uk…
…And this time we’ve come packing heat!
So in our old life we were just a wargaming and modelling blog, which did moderately well with ¼ million views. This time we are a bit like Gandalf the White… we are still a wargaming and modelling blog but this time we come with a business attached.
Say what now?
Allow me to explain:

Way back in the misty recesses of 2017 I stumbled across the Spanish Civil War… and got well and truly hooked. I decided that I wanted a few bits and pieces BUT wargaming in God’s one true scale (1/100 a.k.a. 15mm) presented a number of problems. Firstly, there were very VERY few companies that provided the market with a good variety of offerings and secondly a lot of it was not quite what I was looking for.
This coincided with the advent (in my house anyway) of 3D resin printing and so I started asking artists whether they could do a few bits for me. My Slovakian odyssey gave me my first taste of a ‘one of a kind’ kind of feeling with my contracted Letov S-328 light bomber. Personally, I found it quite thrilling having an army with a one-of-a-kind model in it…

I started contracting Spanish Civil War aircraft about four years ago with the intention of launching a business selling SCW aircraft solely for Blood Red Skies and such like. A Spanish friend on a forum informed me that everybody had been given my IP which put the brakes on the business two years ago rather dramatically as the guts of my market had been literally ripped out… At this point I was £6k down so I decided to double down, carry on with the aircraft BUT expand the range to the sea and to the land… At this point I started contracting a number of artists and investing heavily.
Turns out that rampant obsessions can actually be a good thing… although your nearest and dearest may not always see it your way!
What you see today is the fruits of this labour, an ever-expanding range of Spanish Civil War miniatures that at least some of us will continue to work on over the years ahead.
On top of this we have a number of other ranges that are practically complete that we will launch as and when we feel we are ready to feed new stuff onto the market place and let me reassure you that whilst we do have some of the common stuff, our core remit is to pick up all of the lost products that are the casualties of established businesses streamlining.
We have the opinion that in the world of 1/100 scale our miniatures are absolutely top shelf and priced competitively. You will probably be able to find an equivalent cheaper elsewhere, and we certainly give you our blessing BUT if you want quality then look no further…
… oh and just as a point of interest, we’ve test printed many of our models in other scales now and we are pleased to be able to offer many of our products at different scales as well…

So we would like to welcome you inside and invite you to have a look around. All of the blogs have been carried straight over from Brushes&Bayonets.blogspot and are sadly unformatted. There were just too many of them and it would be too time consuming but the new blogs will be constructed properly with all of the mod cons, just as soon as I can see that this is a viable business that has a turnover that warrants the expense.

So, one thing that you will obviously notice is that the website has a severe lack of painted miniatures on it at the moment, so I thought it would be worthwhile showing a 1/100 printed and painted model of the same one in the image further up the page so you can see that the quality trasnsfers from 3D image to actual print. Hope you guys like it. This is a ‘tiznao’ that was produced in the Linares factory in Jaén before heading off to be bitch-slapped in Segovia!
Any questions that you may have we will be very happy to answer. Just get in touch!
So… get those bayonets out chaps & chapettes, get rid of the rust and set to!