Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

The Netherlands 1940 & the Dutch East-Indies 1941-42


Well… two blog posts and two announcements in one week. Feels like we’re on a roll!

So here we are. We have finally reached the point that our Dutch range is wide enough that it is worth offering to the market place as a whole.


Whilst we can see the value of all those companies out there that ‘stick to their knitting’ and focus on the high turnover miniatures like Panthers and Tigers, for us the real flavour comes with all of the lesser-known nations that were forced, through circumstance to employ the materials that had been discarded by the industrial powerhouses at the centre of the war.


These nations either had small, and therefore relatively unknown and unexplored war industries of their own and/or were forced to purchase the vehicles and weapons that had been discarded as not good enough by these same industrial powerhouses and were therefore not so restricted. The Marmon-Herrington tanks of the KNIL are a perfect example of this.


The Dutch in particular are a fascinating study of what poor nations can achieve with well thought out tactics and well led… unfortunately where the Dutch are concerned their tactics may have been quite well thought out but their leadership was proven over and over again to be insufficient for the task ahead of it both at home and abroad.


That doesn’t mean however that they cannot still be employed in a tactical wargaming setting to explore what their men and materials could have been capable of achieving were they better led.


Nobody can argue that the Dutch had their moments of brilliance. The Dutch soldier and the indigenous trooper partnered with them in the KNIL fought hard and on more than a few occasions stopped their opponents in their tracks.

We hope that this range will allow you all to explore these lesser-known battles that were waged.


OK so onto some details then:

The categories within the Dutch & KNIL range are we believe broken down into intuitive groupings and well labelled. Take your time exploring them as there are well over 100 items on offer in this range.

We are doing these in a number of scales, all of which print perfectly. We’ve trial printed some of the artillery and they come out really well.

Where can you find them? Here:


For those of you that have ordered from us before you will know that we were planning this but for those of you that have never ordered from us we have now officially brought in a PayPal facility to make ordering easier for you.


Now, at this point we would like to tip our cap to one of our customers who has given us our very first review of the miniatures that we are selling with a focus on the accuracy and detail that we work so hard to put into them.

We hope he doesnt mind but Chris Kemp over at Not Quite Mechanised has put a couple of orders in and seems quite pleased with the results. We hope that will continue. Head over to his blog and check it out:


And not an inconsiderate point to end up on our fans in the EU will still receive a 20% discount to offset the import duties that you will suffer until we are up and running with the European IOSS system.


Well that’s it… over to you guys. Please feel free to get in touch and ask any questions 😊

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