Finally we have reached that part of our Slovakian odyssey that was such a draw […]
FoW: Intelligence Briefing. Obrona Narodowa 1939
Well, its done! finally! No more Obrona Narodowa will ever need to be thought about […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 8: Modelling the bases
So I thought that to round off the mountainous volumes of modelling blogs covering Stanislaw […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 7: 24th Uhlans Regiment (24. Pulk Uhlanie)
24th Regiment of Uhlans. Officers and NCO’s in their black leather jackets So we are […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 6: Reconnaissance Battalion
The Reconnaissance Battalion of the Polish 10th Cavalry Brigade was, at the commencement of the […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 2: 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment (10. Pulk Strzelcow Konnych)
So, in our continuing series of Black Brigade related blog posts we come to the […]
Flames of War: Polish Cavalry – The Dismounted Elements
After my last post, outlining the sum total of all of my mounted Polish Cavalry […]