So, here we are again ladies and gents and this time I thought we could […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 8: Modelling the bases
So I thought that to round off the mountainous volumes of modelling blogs covering Stanislaw […]
Flames of War: The Black Brigade 6: Reconnaissance Battalion
The Reconnaissance Battalion of the Polish 10th Cavalry Brigade was, at the commencement of the […]
Sculpting the Black Brigade vehicles (that nobody else makes)… and a few ‘what ifs’
So its now almost 1/12 of the way through 2017 and it occurred to me […]
Flames of War: Polish Armoured Forces 1. TKS’s, 7TP’s (jw&dw) & FT-17’s
One of the commonly held views concerning the Polish army of 1939 is that they […]