Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

FoW: Slovak Trucks, tractors and Staff Cars

… and so finally we come to the end of our Slovakian odyssey (of course […]

FoW: Slovak Infantry – Mortar Platoons

So… here we are again!. So, lets carry on knocking down the blog posts eh? […]

FoW: Slovak Infantry – Pioneer Platoon

So today we are going to take a look at the pioneers that accompanied the […]

FoW: Slovak Infantry – HMG Platoons

So here we are again… after a not so short intermission(!) and it seems that […]

FoW: Slovak Anti Aircraft Artillery – 2cm VKPL vz.36 battery

Well hello once more ladies and gentlemen. I appear to have returned from my overseas […]

FoW: Slovak Motorised Infantry

Hello Gents once more! Today we are going on a slightly different type of journey […]

FoW: Intelligence Briefing. Obrona Narodowa 1939

Well, its done! finally! No more Obrona Narodowa will ever need to be thought about […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade 8: Modelling the bases

So I thought that to round off the mountainous volumes of modelling blogs covering Stanislaw […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade 7: 24th Uhlans Regiment (24. Pulk Uhlanie)

24th Regiment of Uhlans. Officers and NCO’s in their black leather jackets So we are […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade 6: Reconnaissance Battalion

The Reconnaissance Battalion of the Polish 10th Cavalry Brigade was, at the commencement of the […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade 4: 16th Motorized Artillery Bttn (16. Dywizjon Artylerii Motorowej)

In 1931 the Polish high command decided to disband the 1st Mountain Artillery Regiment and […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade 2: 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment (10. Pulk Strzelcow Konnych)

So, in our continuing series of Black Brigade related blog posts we come to the […]

Flames of War: The Black Brigade (Preview)

So its almost the end of May and I still haven’t started posting blogs about […]

Sculpting the Black Brigade vehicles (that nobody else makes)… and a few ‘what ifs’

So its now almost 1/12 of the way through 2017 and it occurred to me […]