Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

Go Big or Go Home, Right?

Well, we started well, with a nice little release of artillery and I thought we should continue in the same vein although with a healthy slice of Go Big or Go Home! Right?

This weeks release I thought I would share with you all the industrious results of one of our artists; The Rheinmetall 8.8cm Flak 18 and its Sd.Kfz 7 half tracked prime mover.

This weapon was made world famous as an anti-tank gun but its progenitor was a dyed in the wool World War 1 anti-aircraft gun and it was in this vein that Rheinmetall continued its development.

During the Spanish Civil War, the T-26 tank ruled supreme (if poorly deployed and handled) and the Nationalists constantly found themselves out of luck with regards accessing anti-tank guns.

Now, those dastardly devils, the Nazi Condor Legion drew inspiration from their forebears in World War 1 where a 7.7cm AA gun was used against British tanks and one avant garde officer decided to point his Eighty-Eight at a T-26… duly ripping it apart!

Overkill was the word of the day BUT the results just couldn’t be argued with and so… Condor Legion gunners and all Flak operators onwards were also trained to lay their guns against ground targets.

This particular version is the first-generation Flak 18, 79 of which were deployed to Spain.

Whilst the Sd.Kfz 7 became the assigned artillery prime mover for the weapon and was indeed deployed to Spain as such, there were more artillery pieces than tractors and as such the Henschel Type 33 D2 Dropside was also used to haul the piece.

Lucky you, you have a choice of different tractors!

But for now lets just concentrate on the Sd.Kfz 7 shall we? Our Henschel Type 33 D2 was released last year. Lets concentrate on the new stuff!

… and so there we have it. Short, sharp and succinct.

You can find the 8.8cm Flak 18, both limbered and deployed versions here:

Artillery Pieces – Land

and you can find the Sd.Kfz 7 with roofs raised and/or lowered here:

The Condor Legion – Land

Have fun everybody, and we hope you enjoy our latest offerings to the community!

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