Well, after what seems like serving a life sentence on the Polish Black Brigade I finally had the opportunity to consider knocking some lumps out of some of the mountainous list that I had set myself at the start of the year.
As my Dropzone Commander PHR are one of the most ball achingly protracted painting methods I have come up with so I figured that getting some of these out of the way can only serve to give me a peaceful retirement in the future…
I, naturally, have a predilection for dividing things into convenient blocks of ‘stuff” which allows me to set myself convenient targets to achieve and I figured that for my PHR this time around I would just try to knock out all of my tanks and land based troop carriers that I own in one go…
So here we are then:

Thor Bombards
I didnt really care how good these tanks, mobile payload delivery device, all round destroyer of armies and cities, looked… I just wanted an excuse to paint them!
As it happens the use of the Mjolnir artillery system is not to be underestimated… this is one vehicle where form and function achieve a happy medium.
If you need to destroy civilisations then look no further…

Thor Bombards… from the rear!

Thor Bombards from the nose…

Taranis MLRS Battery
By happy coincidence when I purrrr-chased my Thor Bombards they were also supplied with the weapon system for the Taranis.
Not to be one to miss a trick I decided to mount a brass pin the back of the Thors bodies so that I could mount either weapon system when the thoughts took me.
In the final analysis I will probably just need to go by more as I am pretty enamoured with them anyway!

Taranis MLRS from the rear…
The Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) that these guys pack is quite an ordnance piece to have in your pocket as well…

Juno A1’s
Already having a pair of these swanning around with my PHR I kind of look at these guys like the Magnolia of the Post Human Republic. Very vanilla and does exactly what it says on the tin.
Carrying a couple of infantry stands, it packs decent enough firepower to go toe to toe with the UCM and come out the other side… and in any case I needed at least one ground unit that is present in some numbers… so four should do!

Juno A1’s… again

Angelos Jetskimmers
I like the Angelos Jetskimmers. They can carry a few troops, which in the PHR arsenal is probably enough to win a battle on their own but they pack a serious punch with their RXs-120 smoothbore heavy cannon. That’s the same piece that the Enyo destroyer of buildings totes!

Angelos Jetskimmers… again!

Yet more Angelos Jetskimmers

Angelos Jetskimmers…do I need to say it?
So there we have it. Thats pretty much all of the tank-y stuff that I have for my PHR… now I have to decide whether to crack on with the air mobile units or to address my walkers….
Choices choices…