Bayonets & Brushes

Bayonets & Brushes

The United Colonies of Mankind lay the hammer down…

So after quite a bit of work and a lot of late nights the United Colonies of Mankind (UCM) for Dropzone Commander finally have enough assets to take the field against the Post Human Republic, Scourge, Shaltari and Feral Resistance…

Here is my take on the UCM (although for some reason my photography never seems to do my painting justice! 🙁

The ground assets so far. Only a few dropships so far but the rest are on their way!

A couple of Bear APC’s with their Legionnaires and Praetorians

A closer look at the Praetorians with their Bear APC

A striking view of the Air Mobile elements so far…

A closer look at Bear APC ‘War Wagon’

One of the Anti Aircraft Point Defence Rapiers ‘Hooters’

Another one of the Rapiers called ‘Rat Man’

A complete UCM Main Battle Tank Sabre Section

The complete Gladius Heavy Tank Section

A Kodiak command APC ‘Hawkeye’ complete with ability to call down an area effect orbital strike!

One of the Taskforce’s Longbow artillery pieces

The Eagle Gunship

One of the Airmobile Condor transport sections

A closer look at Condor 13

One of the Albatross Heavy Lifters

The attached Airforce support squadron with both Archangels and one Seraphim

So this is my UCM army up to date. There is still plenty more to paint but the painting schemes and how to do them have been worked out and settled upon…

Long live the United Colonies of Mankind!

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